Maybe you’ve heard that your business needs a blog but you’re not quite sure why. You’ve probably noticed that blogging has become more popular for business owners. If you’re focusing on website development, there are actually a few ways that a blog can help your business. These are some of the main reasons why your biz needs a blog.
1) Social Media Content
If you have social media accounts for your brand, regular blog updates make for great content. Share your latest blog posts to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to lead followers to your website.
2) Search Engine Optimization
If nothing ever changes on your site, you need to consider your website development and design. A blog is one of the simplest ways to refresh the content on your business site. If you want to rank higher on Google, you’ll need to create new content on a regular basis, AND make sure that it’s optimized with relevant search terms. Ranking higher on Google takes time and consistency, but a blog will keep you on a schedule.
When it comes to choosing the best keywords for your posts, consider outsourcing your SEO research to an experienced digital marketing company. This will ensure you get the best results and don’t spend your free time analyzing spreadsheets.
3) Become a Resource
A blog can also help you become a resource for potential clients. If you’ve worked in an industry for a long time, you probably know it inside and out. Becoming a resource for potential clients or customers can build trust in your brand.
Consider topics that answer common questions or help solve some problem they may be facing that your industry knowledge could help with. For example, a dog trainer might write a blog post on how to stop your dog from chewing on the furniture, or barking at other dogs.
4) Return Visitors
If your website development is on point and you’re also creating valuable content, you’re giving visitors a reason to come back to your site again and again to read more. To continue with the earlier example, if you try the dog trainer’s tips and they work (your dog no longer eats the furniture) that was some valuable advice. Buying new furniture is expensive, but you love your dog. What to do? If the dog trainer solved your problem, you’d probably want to come back to learn more, or even hire them, take your dog to obedience classes, or buy their book, etc. In this scenario, the trainer offers something for free (their industry knowledge), creating something of value. This builds trust and further interest in products or services.
5) Drive Traffic to Your Site
Another reason to consider creating a business blog is that it boosts your company’s visibility and can drive traffic to your website. And, of course, you need to stand out in order to generate more leads.
Website Development
A blog is a great tool to help grow your company’s reach, reputation, and trust in your brand. To learn more or schedule a consultation, contact D-Kode Technology at 925.856.5342. We offer content writing services.