Goal setting is important for any organization. You can’t know if you’re meeting goals, if you don’t know what they are! In 2019, there will be around 2.77 billion social media users in the world, and that number is only going up. Set large and small goals to keep you on track, and take advantage of social media platforms.
Brand Awareness and Social Media Goals
One of the reasons marketers use social media is to grow brand awareness. An average American spends more than two hours a day on networking platforms like Twitter, and Facebook. Social media ties can help make your business meaningful to users, so a good goal would be to have more followers. Many shopping decisions are subconscious, but someone who follows you on Instagram is more likely to choose your product over the competition.
Drive Traffic to Your Website
Social media platforms can also be used to drive traffic to your website. Most media sites have a place to share your link. When you publish something like a blog, you can post to all your social media accounts, so followers know new content is available. A small goal might be to commit to publishing a blog once a week.
Increase Leads with Social Media Goals
A lead is just someone who has shown curiosity about your product, or company, and you have a way to contact them. There are lots of options to increase leads using social media. Some of them include: contests, live videos, and links to gated content, like Patreon’s site for artists. One social media goal could be to improve the quality of your leads through more advanced targeting.
Social Engagement
Before you set social media goals, it’s a good idea to figure out what’s already working, and which areas you can make better. Social media platforms allow you to be a storyteller. Here are some simple ways to communicate with your followers: respond to post comments, conduct polls and surveys, encourage sharing, and remember to be personable. A good social media goal for engagement could be to set aside time to “socialize” with your followers.
Revenue Through Ads
You can’t know how well an ad will work until you try it, so you might need to experiment with things like ad placement, and size. It’s important to use the best ad networks, and the ad must also have a clear call to action that is relevant to your website user. Ad testing should definitely be part of your social media goal setting.
Customer Support
Customer support is important because it makes people feel heard and taken care of. Also, customers are more likely to share a negative experience they had with a company, than one in which there was no problem. A good social media goal would be to create a customer care strategy for your business.
There are many different kinds of social media goals you can set for business. These are just a few ideas to get you started. When you think about your own social medial goals, try to make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely.
Contact D-Kode if you need assistance with social media goals by calling 925.336.0000