Given the current economic situation, most business owners need to take a fresh look at their marketing strategy. So much is happening on a global scale, but at the same time, it’s like a pause button has been pressed. Business as usual is suspended. Most of us are staying home. We miss friends and family, and we’re worried about the health of our loved ones. All of this translates to a sort of collective sense of loss. But no one remains in business for long unless they possess a dose of grit. After all, when is it ever easy to run your own company? With that in mind, here are some tips from a Bay Area website designer on how you can leverage your social media engagement right now.
Revisiting Your Social Media Strategy
Try to view the pandemic as an opportunity to engage more deeply with your followers. Not only are people spending extra time online, but it’s a means for your business to be available during a crisis. While it can seem overwhelming, social media marketing is an effective tool that allows you to show up for your customers when other businesses don’t.
It’s important for business owners to take stock of their current social media strategy, and to be mindful of the messages they share during this sensitive time. On the most basic level, ask yourself: How is this adding value?
Doom and Gloom Newsfeeds
Remember, it’s still okay to share light, upbeat messages. Customers are seeing a lot of tragedy in their newsfeeds, and most of us feel uncertain about the future. The world is kind of scary right now, but business owners can use social media to inform and inspire.
Video Content
Video content is hot right now, and it can help compensate for the lack of in-person business interactions. If you don’t mind being in front of the camera, this is one way to engage with customers who aren’t leaving the house. Also, Instagram and Facebook both offer live video options. How about a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or host an industry-related Q&A.
Successful business owners understand that work is all about relationships, and that relationships take work. Social media engagement allows you to have a personalized voice. Plus, it builds brand loyalty and trust. Bottom line, be the business that shows up to be part of the solution. That’s something customers remember long after a crisis has passed, and you’re in it for the long haul.
Bay Area Website Designer
Digital marketing, and especially social media engagement, are vital for small businesses right now. But make sure you’re thoughtful at the same time. Is there some way to apply your expertise to the pandemic in a way that’s helpful? Invest in building community through social media engagement, and when this is all over, your customer base will be stronger than ever.
And if you need a Bay Area website designer or support with your social media strategy, our team is available for a no-cost consultation. Just call D-Kode Technology at (925) 336-0000. If we can’t do the job, we know someone who can.