These days, any serious company needs a website and an online presence. Professional website design is now part of any successful marketing campaign. Your site is a reflection of your business, and although creating a simple website on your own isn’t as hard as it used to be, there are several advantages to hiring a local web designer. Let’s review the top 5.
1) Professionalism
While it’s true that you no longer need to be a coder to make a website, that’s exactly the reason why it’s necessary to stand out! Every serious business requires serious marketing, and a professional website is the first step to building your company’s online presence. In fact, studies show that people only take a few seconds to judge your business based on your website design, so it’s essential to make a good first impression. Your website might be the only chance you get to impress a potential client. Don’t waste it on an amateur design.
2) Mobile-Friendly Design
It’s now common for people to use various devices to browse websites, from tablets to smartphones, so you can’t assume potential customers are at home on a computer anymore. That means that your website needs to be compatible with other devices. To create a mobile-friendly website design, it helps to work with a local website designer. Users are becoming more intolerant of design flaws and may “bounce off” your website if it’s not mobile-friendly. This is known as your “bounce rate,” and it’s a data-driven figure that a local website designer can help you track.
3) SEO
Visibility is everything in digital marketing. After all, what’s the use of having a great website if potential customers can’t find it? If you want your website to be competitive and rank higher on Google, site engine optimization (SEO) is a must. Even the most visually-pleasing website won’t rank high in search results if it’s not professionally optimized by a local website designer. You can give your site a boost by hiring an expert to recommend the best SEO strategies for your company.
4) Reliability
No doubt, if your website design is in the hands of professionals, it will be more reliable. Building your own website without a tech background takes a lot of trial and error. It can also be frustrating to try to figure out why something just isn’t working the way you want it to. Local web designers can save you the time and research involved in troubleshooting website errors on your own.
5) Save Time
Finally, one of the most important reasons to hire a local expert is the time it will save you. Running your own business is already time-consuming, and when isn’t a little extra help welcome? Local web designers will not only build you a beautiful, dynamic website, but help boost your sales, too.
A Local Web Designer You Can Trust
If you’re ready to talk website design, contact us at D-Kode Tech by calling (925) 855-3282, or learn more about our services by clicking here.